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KaVo DIAGNOdent pen technology helps detect even hidden caries quickly and reliably in a simple way, no matter where caries lies.  A laser DIAGNOdent pen works on the principle of different fluorescence between healthy dental substance and diseased dental substance thus enabling detection of even the smallest damage  

Without X-rays and exposure to radiation, this method is more reliable than any other, keeping healthy dental substance safe – there is no probing, scraping or causing any other damage.

It is recommended for detection of early demineralisation on the first permanent molars with children before fissure sealing.

  • Diagnostic device for early detection of loss of tooth minerals
  • Detection of caries invisible for the eye
  • Early stage diagnosis of tooth decay
  • Diagnosis of proximal (interdental) caries
  • Detection of caries in fissures karijesa u fisurama
  • Value control after remineralisation
  • Tooth x-ray unnecessary
  • Quick, easy and painless examination